Diwali Events 2022

(Season 5)
Music is deeply rooted in the Indian culture. Singing has been an integral part of life, be it to express feelings, emotions and devotion or celebrate any and every occasion.
Considering the increasing demand for participation in the festival, in a unique way we launched Sing for Diwali Competition on our Facebook in 2015.
It created a huge buzz in the community. The response was incredible and in the process we unearthed a lot of hidden talent.
Tradition continues!

Search For young MC
Celebrate India is delighted to give an opportunity to 2 young people between
the age of 12-15 years to be an “MC” for the Victoria festival of Diwali @ Fed Sq.
Can you Speak in front of the crowd?
If you think you can….
Please send us a 30 seconds video
of your presentation on
whats app number
0499 161 230
by 18th September;
with your
full Name, Date of birth,
Guardian/Parent’s name
and Email id.
If selected, we will invite
you for an audition in the last
weekend of September.
Two finalist will get a chance
to be a part of our
“MC” team on 29th October for
Diwali Celebrations.

- of our colourful India?
- Historical architectures
- Temples / Festivals
- Street Life
- People / Costumes
If selected your photo/s
will be featured with
your name in a photographic
exhibition at Fed Square
during Diwali – 2022
Please, send your photo/s via
WhatsApp number
0400 405 442,
with your
full name, email ID and
contact number
As soon as possible